
ChanServ Information

 Syntax: /chanserv register #channel password description
 Informasi: Perintah REGISTER memungkinkan pengguna untuk mendaftar / nya channel nya (jika belum terdaftar) dengan cepat dan tanpa rasa sakit dengan mengetikkan satu baris. Dalam rangka untuk mendaftarkan saluran, pengguna harus menentukan saluran, password bahwa ia, dan deskripsi channel secara singkat.
 Dalam rangka untuk mengetahui apakah saluran terdaftar atau tidak, jenis / chanserv Info channel #, lebih pada nanti. Juga, jangan lupa untuk menggunakan tanda # saat mendaftarkan saluran.
Example: /chanserv register #jakarta indoirc My home online.

Ini akan mendaftarkan channel # jakarta dengan indoirc sandi (password yang kompleks yang cukup bagi seseorang untuk hanya menebak keluar dari biru) dan deskripsi "secara online di rumah saya."

Syntax: /chanserv drop #channel [dropcode]

Informasi: Perintah ini akan memungkinkan Anda untuk menjatuhkan saluran Anda seorang pendiri. Pertama-tama Anda harus menggunakan perintah sendiri dan kemudian Anda akan menerima kode drop yang Anda ketik dengan perintah.

Catatan: Anda harus mengidentifikasi ke saluran sebelum dapat menjatuhkannya.

Example: /chanserv drop #jakarta

Ini adalah perintah pertama, setelah itu saya akan melihat sesuatu seperti ini di jendela status saya:

-ChanServ- Dropping a channel is permanent and cannot be undone! 
-ChanServ- To confirm, type: /chanserv DROP #jakarta 13151683216 
Setelah itu, saya akan ketik perintah DROP / chanserv # jakarta 13151683216 untuk menyelesaikan apakah aku yakin.

Syntax: /chanserv identify #channel password
Information: Perintah identify adalah untuk mengidentifikasi pengguna sebagai founder dari channel tersebut dan memberikan akses pengguna ke pendiri berbasis perintah. Anda juga dapat menggunakan / identify # channel password dan / jasa mengidentifikasi # channel password (ini mungkin tidak bekerja pada beberapa klien).

 Syntax: /chanserv sendpass #channel email
 Information: Perintah sendpass mengijinkan founder untuk memiliki password channel-nya dikirim ke alamat email yang terkait dengan saluran dalam database jasa. Menggunakan fungsi itu, pendiri mungkin mengirimkan password kepadanya memetikan password yang hilang / lupa. The foundernick untuk saluran yang harus diidentifikasi sebelum perintah yang dapat digunakan.

Syntax: /chanserv sop #channel add/del/list/wipe [nick]
Information: Perintah ini mengijinkan Founder untuk menambah atau menghapus Sops dalam akses list channel. Perintah Daftar, bagaimanapun, dapat diakses oleh 'AOps dan up.

Syntax: /chanserv aop #channel add/del/list/wipe [nick]
Information: Perintah ini mengijinkan SOps atau Founder untuk memasukkan atau menghapus Ops dari channel tersebut. The Perintah LIST dapat diakses oleh AOps dan sampai.
Note: Daftar AOp dibatasi hingga 300 entri. Sekalah hanya dapat digunakan oleh pendiri
Update: Pendiri tidak bisa lagi ditambahkan ke AOP / SOP / AKICK daftar

7 · Adding/removing/listing AKicks
Syntax: /chanserv akick #channel add/del/list/wipe [nick/host]
Information: Akicks adalah Auto Kicks dan dapat dimasukkan oleh SOp atau Founder, namun hanya pendiri dapat menghapus AKICK. Akicks dapat ditambahkan dengan julukan atau nama host. Juga, Anda dapat menentukan pola list (* kata *). Sekalah hanya dapat digunakan oleh pendiri.

Update: Pendiri tidak bisa lagi ditambahkan ke AOP / SOP / AKICK daftar.

8 · Oping / Deoping people
Syntax: /chanserv op/deop #channel nickname
Information: Perintah ini cukup sederhana, memungkinkan Anda untuk op atau DeOp nickname didalam channel tanpa harus menggunakan status Op atau bahkan berada di saluran. Anda harus menjadi AOp atau lebih tinggi untuk menggunakan perintah ini.
Note: Anda tidak dapat melakukan deop terhadap seseorang yang memiliki akses ChanServ lebih tinggi daripada Anda

9 · Mass kicking a channel
Syntax: /chanserv mkick #channel
Information: The masskick (Mass Kick) Perintah ini digunakan dalam kasus desync (informasi lebih lanjut dalam dokumen Netsplits) dalam hal saluran harus ditutup dan dibuka kembali. Perintah ini mengungsikan saluran sepenuhnya dengan menendang semua orang keluar, melarang * * @! * (Orang), pengaturan modus + i (mengundang saja) dan + l 1. Ketika MKICKing channel, Anda tidak dapat melakukan unban atau INVITE diri Anda kembali ke saluran. Hal ini seharusnya hanya digunakan dalam situasi pengambilalihan.
Note: Masskicks terbatas pada satu jam, dan hanya tersedia bagi SOP dan Pendiri. Perintah tidak boleh digunakan jika seseorang lebih tinggi daripada Anda berada dalam saluran. SOps tidak bisa masskick ketika pendiri hadir.

10 · Mass Deoping a channel
Syntax: /chanserv mdeop #channel
Information: Perintah MDEOP akan men-deop setiap orang dalam saluran yang memiliki akses yang sama atau kurang di ChanServ daripada orang yang menggunakan perintah. (misalnya AOps hanya bisa men-deop ops reguler dan Ops lainnya, SOps hanya bisa men-deop SOps lainnya, AOps dan ops biasa.)

11 · Setting options in channels
Perintah SET memiliki argumen yang berbeda, termasuk FOUNDER, PASSWORD, DESC, MLOCK, melihat daftar aop, KEEPTOPIC, URL, IDENT, MEMBATASI dan VERBOSE. Semua perintah ini akan memodifikasi dan mengubah bentuk aktifitas ChanServ didalam channel dan anda harus mengambil beberapa waktu untuk membiasakan diri dengan mereka karena mereka akan membantu Anda dalam menjaga keamanan channel anda.
Note: Untuk menggunakan perintah ChanServ SET dan argumen, pastikan Anda diidentifikasi sebagai founder channel (lebih lanjut di bawah).

11.1 Changing channel founders
Syntax: /chanserv set #channel founder
Information: The FOUNDER argument of the set command will allow the user that uses this command to change the channel founder to himself.
Note: The nickname that the user is using must be registered or the command will not work

11.2 Changing channel passwords
Syntax: /chanserv set #channel passwd oldpassword newpassword
Information: This argument will change the password of the channel from an old password to a new password. It is a good idea to rotate your password once every few months to improve security (more on that in the Security section).
Note: You must identify to the channel before being able to use this command.
Example:/chanserv set #jakarta passwd indoirc indoirc2

This command will set the channel password from indoirc to  indoirc2

11.3 Changing channel description
Syntax: /chanserv set #channel desc newdescription
Information: The DESC argument lets a user change the description of his or her channel which can be viewed through the /chanserv info command (more on that later).
Example: /chansev set #mystro desc Mystro's home on the web!

This command will change #mystro's channel description to 'Mystro's home on the web!'

11.4 Changing the channel modes
Syntax: /chanserv set #channel mlock modes
Information: The MLOCK command is one of the most important commands to maintain channel security. Below is a list of all the possible modes and what they do:
+R - Only registered nicks allowed. Very useful if you wish to stop clone attacks, since most clone attacks use unregistered nicks.
+n - No external messages. This option prevents people who are not in channel from sending messages to that channel.
+t - Only ops set topic. This command will make sure non-ops cannot change the topic of the channel. There are also a few ChanServ settings that can help with more specific topic settings (only SOps/AOps can change topic) , more on that below.
+s and +p - Both commands set the channel to be invisible in /list commands, but +s also sets it invisible in whois, both settigs are a good way to keep unwanted users out of channel.
+i - This option makes the channel closed to anyone unless an op invites them or they have ChanServ invite them using the /chanserv invite command.nnel has at a time, which is a good technique for clone protection. (More on that in the Security section).
+m - This option prevents anyone who is not voiced or OPed from talking in the channel.
+c - This option will disable any control codes (color, bold, underline, reverse) from being sent to the channel and will those messages. Also useful against clone attacks.

Note: Some of the options require another argument (ie. +l needs a number, +k needs a password) so the arguments need to be specified in the order of the options. (ie. +kl password number)
Example: /chanserv set #mystro mlock +ntR-s

This command would set #mystro to +ntR-s which means only ops can change topic, no external messages, registered nicks only and secret can't be set.

11.5 Setting OPGUARD on and off 
Syntax: /chanserv set #channel opguard on/off
Information: When this argument is set on only AOps, SOps and the Founder will be allowed to be an op in the channel, everyone else will automatically be deopped.

11.6 Setting KEEPTOPIC on and off
Syntax: /chanserv set #channel keeptopic on/off
Information: If a channel becomes empty (last person leaves), ChanServ will save the topic if this option is set on so that next time someone comes in the topic will be recreated with the nick who set it.

11.7 Making a URL show in the info
Syntax: /chanserv set #channel url [URLhere]
Information: This command lets you set the URL for your channel which can be viewed through the /chanserv info command. To remove a URL, type the command without a URL at the end.

11.8 Ops have to identify before getting opped
Syntax: /chanserv set #channel ident on/off
Information: The ident argument regulates whether people can get opped in the channel automatically without having to identify (access list) or must identify.

11.9 Restricting a channel to AOps and higher
Syntax: /chanserv set #channel restrict on/off
Information: The RESTRICT argument, when set on, will not allow anyone who is not on the channel access list to join the channel and will automatically kick and ban them.

11.10 Turning VERBOSE on and off
Syntax: /chanserv set #channel verbose on/off
Information: The VERBOSE argument, when set on, will notify channel ops of any changes made to the channel access list (ie. aop added/removed, sop added/removed, akick added/removed).
An example of output would be:
-ChanServ:@#mystro- [VERBOSE] Mystro! => aop #mystro add |Mystro|

11.11 Setting who can change the topic
Syntax: /chanserv set #channel topiclock founder/sop/off
Information: The TOPICLOCK command, when turned on, will allow you to set who should be able to change the topic: You (the founder), a SOp, or anyone else (off).

11.12 Allowing users who join to stay opped
Syntax: /chanserv set #channel leaveops on/off
Information: This command, when turned on, will not deop the first user to join the channel regardless of whether he is an op or not, if set off (as it is by default), it will deop anyone who is not AOp or higher. It is recommended you leave this setting untouched for security.

11.13 Founder does not need to identify
Syntax: /chanserv set #channel unsecure
Information: This command, when turned on, will allow anyone on the founder's nick access list to make founder type changes to the channel. This may be a large security compromise if the founder does not have a very secure nickserv access list (please see the NickServ document for more information). It is suggested to leave this argument untouched.

11.14 Making the channel private
Syntax: /chanserv set #channel private on/off
Information: This setting, when turned on, will prevent the /chanserv invite command from being used. Only AOps and above will be able to see the channel topic when issuing /chanserv info #channelname. It will also allow only people who know about the channel to access it.

11.15 Setting who may send channel-wide memos
Syntax: /chanserv set #channel memo none/aop/sop/founder
Information: This command allows the founder to manage who may send channel memos. When memo is set to none, no one can memo; when memo is set to AOp, all people on chanserv's access list may memo, when memo is set to SOp only founder and sops may memo and when the option is set to founder only the channel founder may send channel wide memos.

11.16 Setting the successor of the channel
Syntax: /chanserv set #channel successor nickname / -
Information: This command allows the founder to set the successor for the channel in case the nickname of the founder expires. When and if the nickname expires the channel will be turned over to the successor with all rights and privileges of the founder. If you wish to disable the successor feature in your channel, use a hyphen ("-") instead of a nickname. If the founder's nickname expires, and that channel has a successor, the following will occur: A memo is sent to the channel's succesor with an AUTH code. The successor must use the AUTH code to authorize himself in the channel within ten (10) days. If the successor does so, a random password is generated that can be used to identify and become the founder. If the successors nick expires, or the successor doesnt take any action within ten (10) days, the channel expires as normal. A user can prevent himself from being added as a successor to a channel if he has enabled the NOOP option on his nickname

11.16.1 ·Removing yourself as Successor 
If you want to remove yourself as successor of a channel you can use the following command to do that
Syntax:/chanserv successor #channel DEL
Note: You must be using the Nickname that is listed as successor and you must be identified to it.
Example: /chanserv successor #jakarta DEL

11.16.2 ·Resending the Authorization Request
Syntax:/chanserv sendauth #channel S
Information: When a founders nick expires, the successor will be sent an AUTH code by MemoServ to gain access to the channel. If the first memo fails, the successor can re-request the AUTH code to be sent to them again through memoserv using the command

11.17 Adding a channel manager
Syntax: /chanserv manager #channel add nick
Syntax: /chanserv manager #channel del nick
Founders can now add up to 5 managers to their channel. Managers have *almost* full control over the channel with the exception of changing the channel's foundership

Channel managers can: - Manage the SOP list (add/remove SOPs) - Change WEBPASSWD - Wipe AOP/SOP lists - Change channel description - Set/unset OPGUARD - Set/unset MLOCK - Set/unset IDENT - Set/unset KEEPTOPIC - Set/unset RESTRICT - Set/unset URL - Set/unset VERBOSE - Set/unset TOPICLOCK (unless it's locked to the founder) - Set/unset LEAVEOPS - Set/unset PRIVATE - Set/unset MEMO level (unless it's locked to the founder) - See successor's nick with ChanServ INFO Channel managers can *NOT*: - Change channel password - Change founder - Set/unset successor - Set/unset mailblock - Add/remove other managers - Set/unset UNSECURE (currently broken and doesn't do anything) - Use sendpass

11.18 Setting the web password for the channel
Syntax: /chanserv set #channel webpasswd password
Note: The password should be different from the password of the channel so that it may be given out to people in order to modify the website.

11.19 Setting the mailblock option for the channel
Syntax:/chanserv set #channel mailblock on/off
Information: This command allows the founder of a channel to turn on/off mailblock on his channel, by that enabling/disabling the option for the channel password to be sent to the email on file in case of a lost password.
Note: By enabling this command, the founder no longer has the option to retrieve his password incase it is lost/forgotten. The mailblock option should NOT be turned on unless the founder is absolutely sure that he is not going to forget/lose the password.

12 · Inviting yourself into the channel
Syntax: /chanserv invite #channel
Information: This command will invite you into a +R/+O/+i/+l/+k/+b channel or a channel which you have been banned from by someone. You must be an AOp or higher to use that command.

13 · Viewing the access of a person
Syntax: /chanserv acc/access #channel [nick]
Information: This command lets an AOp or higher see what access he/someone else has to the channel. The access is displayed numerically, below are the definitions:
-2 = Channel is frozen or closed
-1 = AutoKICKed from the channel
0 = basic
10 = AutoOp
20 = SuperOp
30 = User has MANAGER access
40 = Has founder access via a NickServ access list mask
50 = Has founder access via identification to NickServ
60 = Has founder access via identification to ChanServ

If the USER is not online, the access will be 0.

Note: You must be an AOp or higher to use that command.
Example: /chanserv acc #mystro mystro
The following reply would come from ChanServ:
-ChanServ- Mystro ACC #mystro 50 (Founder)

14 · Why a person opped
Syntax: /chanserv why #channel nick
Information: The WHY command does the same thing as the ACC/ACCESS command, however it returns the status of the user in AOp/SOp/Founder form with no access level. It will also tell you when someone is using a different nickname what nickname he has access to that let him become opped. Also it tell you the status of the channel.
Note: You must be an AOp or higher to use that command
Example: /chanserv why #docsteam Zappu
Below is what you would receive from ChanServ
-ChanServ- Zappu has SOP access to #docsteam. Reason: Identification to the nickname Zappu. Channel Frozen: NO

15 · Unbanning yourself and others
Syntax: /chanserv unban #channel [nick/*/nick!user@host]
Information The UNBAN command will unban all masks that match your nick!user@host if you do not specify a nickname. AOps may also unban a specific user or a host. SOps can unban everything by specifying the * sign instead of a nickname.

16 · Counting AOps/SOps and AKicks 
Syntax: /chanserv count #channel
Information: This command counts all the AKicks, AOps and SOps in a channel and gives you the number in a reply.
EXample: /chanserv count #mystro
This will return the following:
-ChanServ- Channel: #mystro - AOP: 27 SOP: 3 AKICK: 9

Syntax: /chanserv listops #channel
Information: This command lists all the AOPs, SOPs, managers and founder of the channel. Limited to AutoOps or above.
EXample: /chanserv listops #docsteam
This will return the following:
-ChanServ- Founder:
-ChanServ- Fredfred (fredfred@staff.dalnet)
-ChanServ- Manager[s}:
-ChanServ- Sop(s):
-ChanServ- eDdYk0nG (eddykong@118.128.268
-ChanServ- Zappu (zappu@123.345.789)
-ChanServ- Aop(s):
-ChanServ- Uzay (uzay@123.123.123)

Syntax: /chanserv info #channel>
Information: The INFO command allows one to see specific information about channels (chanserv settings, topic, registry date, last op date, etc.)
Example: /chanserv info #mystro
This command will give out the following information:
-ChanServ- Info for #mystro:
-ChanServ- Founder : |Mystro| (mystro@
-ChanServ- Mode Lock : +nt-ilk
-ChanServ- Description: My little home on the net.
-ChanServ- Options : Verbose
-ChanServ- Memo Level : AOP
-ChanServ- Registered : Thu 09/30/1999 03:07:00 GMT
-ChanServ- Last opping: Sat 04/21/2001 13:54:14 GMT
-ChanServ- *** End of Info ***

This shows that the founder is |Mystro| with the host mystro@, the channel modes are +nt-ilk, the description is 'my little home on the net.' etc.

Now that you have gotten yourself familiarized with the ChanServ commands, it's time to move on to a very important topic: Channel Security. Each day, many people join channels such as #operhelp in order to receive help with channel takeovers, forgotten passwords, etc... Here are some tactics to help you fight all of the security problems.
1) Make your password use uppercase and lowercase letters, as well as numbers. This makes passwords much harder to guess.
2) NEVER EVER give out your password to anyone who you wouldn't trust with your life. DALnet does not help users who shared their password and later found it misused.
3) Add SOps very carefully. Also, add AOps very carefully. Don't add anyone who you don't know very well to the OP list.
4) Once the channel is registered , Chanserv set +nt-k as MLOCK ,So if you want to set a password for your Channel , you have to remove the -k from the MLOCK and keep the +nt for channel protection , Syntex of removal the MLOCK is : /chanserv set #channelname mlock +nt
5) Don't create an auto-identify script. If you do, make sure you don't give out the script with the auto identify or you may be in serious trouble.
6) Rotate your password at least once every couple of months.

Now that you are familiar with the ChanServ commands you're ready for the privileges and responsibilities of being a founder. You may also want to check out the NickServ documents for some information on the NickServ commands and settings.
For more information on AKicks, AOps and SOps, please take a look at the Chanserv Access document located

Thanks goes to Dalila, the Documentation Team leader and LadyDana for suggesting this document. Thanks also goes to Morfeus and quen for proof-reading the document.

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